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VS 2019 on Windows - Debugging a unit test running in a Linux container

Debug Unit Tests in Linux

Docker Support in Visual Studio 2019 is great, providing a great experience for running and debugging ASP.NET and Console applications in docker containers. But when it comes to Unit Test projects the experience is not so great.

My expectation was that the experience of running or debugging unit tests in containers would be exactly the same as ASP.NET or Console apps. I was even expecting that I could use the VS Test Explorer: as long as the Docker launch profile was selected, I thought that the tests would be running/debugging inside the container. Unfortunately it’s not the case.

So, imagine that you are working with Visual Studio 2019 on Windows, building a .NET Core project that would be deployed in Windows, but also in Linux, and a specific test is failing in Linux, and you want to debug it. How can we do it in a simple way?

Let’s create a xUnit (my test framework of choice) test project.

xUnit test project

For demonstrating purposes, let’s create a simple test that asserts that the test is running in a Linux container.

  public void Test_is_running_in_linux_container() {



Unlike ASP.NET projects, in Unit Test projects we don’t have the option “Enable Docker Support” while creating the project. Though, the option is still available via Solution Explorer. Let’s try it.

Add docker support

Choose Linux as target. The result: a Dockerfile is added to the solution and a new Docker launch profile is added to the list of profiles.

Dockerfile and Docker profile

This is exactly the same behavior we get in an ASP.NET or Console project. However, the running experience is not the same: the integration between the test explorer and the docker container does not work.

That’s what have triggered me to do some investigation. First we need to understand what VS is doing when we start debugging in a container with the the Docker profile selected.

VS optimizes the Debug experience by using the so called Fast build mode. In this mode, the docker build command used by VS only uses the base stage of the Dockerfile. Furthermore, when selecting the Docker profile a Project warmup is triggered consisting in the following steps:

  1. Check Docker Desktop is running and is set to the same operating system as project
  2. Pull the image in the first stage (the base stage)
  3. Build the Dockerfile and start the container

When VS starts the container, some volume mappings are created for the remote debugger, and for Nuget folders. You can check the full docker run command in the Containers Tools output window.

VS Docker Run Command

The container is now running. We can check it in the Containers window.

VS Containers window

Now we want to run our tests inside the container. Basically we just need to run the dotnet test command inside the container. We can do it using the docker exec command.

docker exec -it <name_of_the_container> dotnet test

Let’s see what happens.

Docker exec dotnet test

We got the following error

It was not possible to find any installed .NET Core SDKs

Now we need to look at the Dockerfile to understand what image is running. This the Dockerfile originally generated by VS.

#See to understand how Visual Studio uses this Dockerfile to build your images for faster debugging.

FROM AS base

FROM AS build
COPY ["XUnitTestContainers/XUnitTestContainers.csproj", "XUnitTestContainers/"]
RUN dotnet restore "XUnitTestContainers/XUnitTestContainers.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/XUnitTestContainers"
RUN dotnet build "XUnitTestContainers.csproj" -c Release -o /app/build

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "XUnitTestContainers.csproj" -c Release -o /app/publish

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app/publish .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "XUnitTestContainers.dll"]

The first thing to notice is the comment at the top of the file. Follow that link to understand the Fast build mode I mentioned earlier. In the Fast mode, only the base stage is used. In this case the base stage is using a runtime image which does not include the .NET SDK required to run tests. We need to change our Dockerfile to use a .NET SDK image in the base stage. We can also remove all the other stages since they are not being used when debugging.

#See to understand how Visual Studio uses this Dockerfile to build your images for faster debugging.

FROM AS base

Rebuild the solution. And let’s try again to run the dotnet test command.

Docker test Ok

Great, we are now running our tests inside the container. Now we just need to have a way to launch the remote debugger and attach to the process responsible to run the tests.

When we run a dotnet test command, a new process is started to run vstest.console to execute the tests, which in turn runs the testhost.dll. We can instruct testhost to pause execution waiting for a debugger to be attached, by using an environment variable VSTEST_HOST_DEBUG=1. Let’s run the same docker exec command passing this environment variable.

docker exec -it -e VSTEST_HOST_DEBUG=1 <name_of_container> dotnet test

Attach debugger to dotnet test

We got the following info

_A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern. Host debugging is

enabled. Please attach debugger to testhost process to continue. Process Id: 643, Name: dotnet_

Now we just need to attach the debugger to the testhost process, which in this case has its PID=643. Let’s use the Container window to attach the debugger to this process.

Attach to process in container

Attach to process in container

Debug Managed (.NET Core for Unix)

Wait a few seconds. You may see a screen informing that symbol loading was skipped for testhost.dll.

Skip symbol loading for testhost.dll

Just click Continue and your breakpoint is hit.

Breakpoint in container

You can now debug your test inside the Linux container. The whole debugging unit tests experience is not ideal and I truly hope VS integrates Test Explorer with Containers Tools very soon.

Published Jan 11, 2021

Cloud Solutions and Software Engineer. Married and father of two sons. Obsessed to be a continuous learner.